Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us

As a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Specialist I subscribe to the 3H Lifestyle - Health, Happiness and Herbalife.

Being 61 years old and in excellent health, I felt I had to share the secrets to a healthy lifestyle and help people achieve their desired health goals. 

Covering both the nutrition and fitness sides of the equation, I found through my clients and personal experience that 80% is about nutrition and about 20% fitness. Personally I work out about 20 minutes, 4 days a week utilizing cardio, strength and flexability. 

I have a healthy shake every morning which consists of Herbalife Meal Replacement (21 vitamins & Minerals) available in 4 flavours plus Herbalife Protein Powder available in 2 flavours with skim milk and/or water and either blueberries or strawberries and blend them to create an energy filled meal.