
Obesidad o peso?

by Santiago Villarreal

La diferencia entre "peso" y obesidad

Amigos! Bienvenidos a mi blog! Este es mi primet articulo, y en el cual queiro compartirles un video que publiqupe en Youtube hace un tiempo.

En este video les comparto una diferenciación entre el Peso y la Obesidad, que entiendo que pueden confundirse cuando no tenemos en claro ciertas cuestiones nutricionales y corporales, y podemos cometer equivocaciones en la alimentación y en la ejercitación que luego pagamos con nuestra salud.

Les deseo lo mejor y gracias por visitar mi blog

Santiago Villarreal


Posted by Santiago Villarreal on Tuesday 12 November 2013
More articles by Santiago Villarreal

*Any weight loss or health testimonials presented here are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical. Herbalife products can be a healthy part of your weight loss program, which includes diet and exercise.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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