My 2012 Herbalife 24 Certification Is Complete!

I am so excited! I have just completed my 2012 training & certification in the health & science of Herbalife 24! It feels great to have gained more knowledge & experience about the most optimum sports nutrition products in the world:

Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Tuesday 20 November 2012
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3 Simple 6-Pack Exercises From Samantha Clayton

Want a perfect 6 pack?  Most people have a vague idea that a   toned stomach would be nice but a lot of people also stop at just the idea. I’m here to tell you that you can find your 6 pack and make that dream of toned abs a reality.  Take a look at my three simple 6 pack exercises and make time in your busy day to warm up and squeeze in a few repetitions.  You’ll achieve results that will make you proud or at least make it easier to fasten that button!

Exercises evolve
When you think back to your school days, do you remember doing sit-ups where you lay down and then sat all the way up? Well, exercises evolve. The beauty of this is that you can benefit from our improved understanding of the human body to focus your efforts, get visible results faster, and avoid injury. Research in the fitness industry is constant; there are always new ideas and new methods under development to help improve and maintain the human body. It’s hard to keep up with the latest fitness trends, but I can tell you which exercises are the most effective, the easiest to do correctly and the most fun! Think of fitness like fashion. In the fashion industry there are some items that seem to always be in fashion, like jeans. But, hang-on, jeans are always changing aren’t they? With a wider or slimmer leg and a different pocket style,  you can suddenly date a pair of jeans to a decade if not a specific year. And, just like your favorite pair of jeans, there are some exercises that are simply too good to give up.
What happened to the good old-fashioned ‘sit up’?
A sit-up is an abdominal and hip flexor strengthening exercise that used to be performed by lying down with your back flat on the floor, your arms behind your head and your knees slightly bent. For a long time this was the go-to exercise for a 6 pack. The aim was to sit up until your chest touched your thighs then lower all the way back down to the floor. You may have to think back to gym class where you might have had to perform a sit up test, or think of old army movies where soldiers were sometimes shown doing full “all the way up, all the way down” sit ups in the mud. Research and common sense eventually taught us that this move puts a lot of un-due stress on your lumbar spine. The risks to your spinal health out-weighed the benefits of this move, but by slightly modifying this old reliable exercise, you get a sit up that is as safe as it is effective.
Suddenly a ‘sit up’ became a ‘crunch’
We may call the modern version of a sit up a crunch, but it is not really a brand new exercise. A crunch is simply that old pair of jeans with a new set of buttons! You can add many variations to the crunch or abandon lying on the floor completely and crunch standing up. Improve your abs and hip flexors by trying my three variations of the famous sit up because a flat and toned six pack will always be in fashion.
6 pack exercise one: crunch with twist
Lie on the floor and do a pelvic tilt to ensure your back is flat on the floor. Lift one knee up at a time so that you have a 90 degree angle at the knee. Place the tips of your fingers behind your ears, but don’t pull your neck forward. Engage your abdominal muscles as you take your right elbow toward your left knee. This should be done in a slow and controlled motion. Hold for one second and then lower back down gently. Make sure you complete each rep mindfully and engage your abs rather than letting your back do the work.
6 pack exercise two: standing crunch
Standing abdominal exercises challenge your balance and can keep you out of the mud, which means there is no need to skip your abdominal work if you are outside on a wet day! You can do this move with or without a weight depending on your fitness level. Start by standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and place your arms overhead.Lower your arms as you lift one knee toward your chest, trying to bring your ribcage toward your knee. You should feel your abdominal muscles working as you try to maintain your balance. 
6 pack exercise three:  ‘V’ sit (on or off a half ball)
This is an advanced core strength exercise that requires muscular control and balance. If you have one, sit on your half ball or sit down on the floor with plenty of space around you. To get started you need to practice lifting one bent leg at a time and holding, before lowering your leg back down. Beginners should aim for three to five seconds while more advanced exercisers can hold for longer. Once you have mastered holding both legs at a bent angle, you can attempt to make a full ‘V’ shape with your body. 

Find out how you can improve your fitness results with our Herbalife 24 products here.
Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Saturday 10 November 2012
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Want To Lose Weight Fast? Here's A QuickStart For The Herbalife Weight Loss Programs!


Tired of weight loss programs that don't work or work slowly? With all Herbalife Weight Management Programs you will see results within the first few weeks. If you listen to your coach and follow the guidelines of the program, you will get the results you need & deserve quickly.
Get on the path to good health with this easy-to-follow program! Combining cutting-edge science with delicious shakes and snacks, the basic Quickstart program can help you achieve healthy weight management and Cellular Nutrition.
Supports Cellular Nutrition with our 3 Core Products (Formulas 1, 2 and 3).
Includes Herbal Tea Concentrate for an energy boost.*
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix acts as a meal replacement for weight loss and weight maintenance


Choose the Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix flavor you prefer. For extra weight-management help, add any enhancer to target key challenges.
Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Sunday 4 November 2012
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End Of The Month Special: Herbal Aloe Tea

Normally $101.83, now it's just $80.39 including tax, shipping, & handling! 
Call me today to order 760-836-0407. *Offer expires on 10/31/2012 
Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Tuesday 30 October 2012
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Keep your energy levels up all day long

Keep your energy level all day, Manage you appetit, your snacks, your water intake
-Getting properly fueled is really important in the morning – since you haven’t eaten since the night before, you need the energy that a proper breakfast will provide
-Meals size really matters because meals that are too large or too small can sap your energy.  If you don’t eat enough, you just won’t have enough fuel to hold you until your next meal or snack.
-Protein does more than help you build and maintain your muscles – it makes meals more satisfying and helps keep you mentally alert, too.
-Well, your body’s engine won’t work very well, either, if you don’t keep your fluid tank topped off.
-Balanced meals and snacks help provide sustained energy to keep you going.  Proteins, carbs and fats are digested at different rates, so meals that have a balance of these nutrients will give you more staying power than those that don’t. Your protein shake with fruit keeps you going because you get some quick energy from the fruit, and long lasting energy from the protein powder and milk


Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Tuesday 16 October 2012
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