3 Exercise Tips To Help You Stay Fit During The Holidays

We'ver all seen the extreme unraveling of the fittest bodies during the holiday season. There are two primary reasons why people get fat at this time of year:
Abundance of calorie-dense food. If a hidden camera were placed in your refrigerator, pantry, or cupboard during the holiday season, you’d notice a significant growth in the amounts of foods that are low in nutrients but high in calories, such as meats with heavy sauces, candies and chocolates, or gift baskets with processed, packaged foods that are coated in oils. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying these foods, but out-of-sight is out-of-mind and in-sight is, well, you get the idea!
Busy schedules. Social events, shopping and other obligations tend to abound during the holidays, and time spent driving, flying, standing in line, socializing and partying is time that you can’t exercise. To make matters worse, as stress from a busy schedule builds, your propensity to fall victim to cravings for calorie-dense foods increases.
How to Stay Fit During the Holidays
Here’s the good news: among a multitude of other healthy effects, exercise helps to control food cravings, de-stress the body, and increase calorie-burning. The question becomes: which holiday exercises are best? Here are three quick tips:
Tip# 1: Choose exercises that move as many body parts as possible. My wife and I were recently traveling and we had 45 minutes to hit the gym before getting on the plane. While I launched into a combination of jumping jacks and squats with overhead press, my dear wife began moving an elastic band with one arm. I gently reminded her that we had a short period of time to boost our metabolism, and she quickly joined me. During the rest of our time, we did lunges, treadmill running, rowing, push-up variations, and exercises that used multiple joints. If you need creativity, check out this page for some of my favorite multi-joint exercises.
Tip# 2: Choose exercises that move body parts quickly. I recently tweeted from the Get-Fit Guy twitter page that super-slow training, a mode of exercise in which you move in a slow and controlled fashion, gets great results…in twice the time. During the busy holiday season, when you need to get in a quick workout that burns as many calories as possible, the act of moving explosively will ensure you burn more calories during the workout and for the hours following the workout. Include moves such as medicine ball slams and throws, lunge jumps, treadmill sprints and fast bicycling.
Tip #3: Choose exercises that you don’t usually do. Though you need to use caution so you don’t injure yourself trying something too advanced for you, if you choose exercises your body is unfamiliar with, you’ll burn more calories in less time, because your body won’t be as efficient at those exercises. So if you usually benchpress, try standing cable chest presses, or if you usually squat, try around the world. Don’t be afraid to branch out--it will make your body better, and sharpen your mental skills too!

Add a boost to your holiday exercise and weight-loss efforts with our extra enhancers and protein snacks here.

Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Friday 21 December 2012
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Follow the tips of Herbalife to get along at parties


Follow the tips of Herbalife to get along at parties:
-Change the focus and have fun! Enjoy the company of friends and family.
-Be prepared: thus, you can easily survive the temptations.
-Keep your eating plan: remember to moisturize and make a light meal before supper, who can be a Shake, and have always at hand, a protein bar.
-Focus on keeping the weight: do not put as goal to lose weight, but keep the weight gained.
-I Deserve! This is your goal, the rewards and benefits are also his.


Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Thursday 20 December 2012
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Good Nutrition


The genes of course but 80% good nutrition added.
He sold his CD collection to get started as a Dist. and on the products. incredible health results and went from living in his car to a flat! Herbalife changes lives!!! 


Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Wednesday 19 December 2012
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This potassium-rich shake would be perfect after a workout!

Ingredients: http://bit.ly/10KF6Fs http://bit.ly/Rm4aBm
2 scoops French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake 
2 tablespoons P
rotein Dink Mix Powder (or more)
1 cup of water or nonfat milk or plain soy milk
1 cup frozen pineapple chunk
1/8 tbs coconut extract
1/4 tbs orange extract
4 ice cubes

Directions: Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk):
Calories: 295
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Carbohydrates: 44 grams
Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Monday 10 December 2012
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This nutritious & delicious smoothie will kick-start your morning with chai energy & it tastes so delicious too!

Ingredients: http://bit.ly/10KF6Fs
2 scoops French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake 
2 tablespoons Protein Dink Mix Powder (or more)
1 cup nonfat milk or plain soy milk
½ medium banana
3 tablespoons unsweetened liquid iced tea concentrate
Scant 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
A few dashes each of: ginger, clove,
black pepper
4-5 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk):
Calories: 293
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 0.5 grams
Carbohydrate: 43 grams

Purchase this delicious shake formula here.
Posted by Lydia Messika Bosnino on Wednesday 28 November 2012
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